Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Some of my foreshadowing for Captain Swan

Hook is supposed to be a villain, that's his nature. Rumple is the Dark One, that's his nature. But everyone at some point has to fight that nature. Rumple is, because of Belle. Hook hasn't come to this point yet. He has his heart set on revenge, because that's all he can remember. He has wanted this for so long, that he has forgotten (probably) even the color of Milah's eyes. He needs to find that light again to see that revenge will just end in more grief. To move on. The only person to have an effect on him since then, was Emma. He is a pirate who keeps his word. He would not have abandoned Emma on the beanstalk. He meant it. He didn't understand that she had been hurt before, not like that. Once they both open up to each other more, he will realize just how similar their lives are. How much reflects in the other. How much he wants her to be safe. How much he wants her boy to be safe. How much he wants her. He'll realize the reason she had bested him so many times. Because she was motivated by love. He was motivated by revenge. True love, can be in any realm. Break any curse. Emma, happens to be the product of true love. She will break Hook from his curse. His curse is not trusting. Her curse is not trusting. You can't love without trust. He will break Emma from her curse. Because not loving is the worst curse of all.

- Robs via iPad

Monday, December 17, 2012

Latest edits of mine (:

The one that says "My real name is Peter." Is just a poster type thing for my story.. And the rest are probably just lyric edits or some of their lines (: - Robs via iPhone (sources for the photos I used to make these are either from Tumblr, Google images, or from the episodes themselves, photoshop elements, instacollage, pics w/words, and filter mania2 used. And my tumblr is awisherwishing so if that is in there, I put it there (: )

Hey guys! Sorry for not posting..

So I just saw something that was awesomely awesome (: it was a fellow shipmate asking if there was going to be any Captain Swan scenes in the future, and one of the producers said: yes. ... WOOOOOOO! :DD Waiting for Once to come back will be worth it shipmates! And I really should post some picture edits that I have done o_o.. Most of them have been made on my phone so be warned.. They're in the post above (: - Robs via iPhone

Friday, December 7, 2012


These are the exact words for the second half of season two spoilers: "We are going to find out more about the romance between Emma and Hook, which is very interesting."

GAAHHHH OMG YAY O_O. Okay bye *-* - Robs

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Hey Oncers, and fellow shipmates!

Sorry I haven't really been around, I've been somewhat busy this week. I did write a story for Hook/Emma post- queen of hearts. But I dunno, I feel like it wasn't really good.. Anyway, today.. I have no idea what I'm gonna be doing, more than likely schoolwork XD. And I hope I can Skype with my best friend/sister tomorrow, I really want to talk to her :PP Okay that's just an update on things, I'll post a few of my photo edits later.. - Robs

Saturday, December 1, 2012

So hello fellow Oncers!

I'm here with one of my very very very best friends! We are very big Captain Hook fans (:. Like seriously o_o.... XD So um.. Tomorrow......... tomorrow.... Oh my freaking goodness I'm so excited! O_O! 

So yes.. Um.. I made her a *big* fan last night..  (: We both have the same Laptop desktop, which yes, she found :P Oh and no we just got it off Google.. we don't know exactly where it's from so.. credit to whoever made it :D! Here it is, see ya! - Robs

Thursday, November 29, 2012

My OUaT confessions:

Well first off, Captain Swan, I boarded that ship after I watched "Tallahassee". 

And my favorite character, is probably Captain Hook/Killian Jones. But come on who can blame me? I've grown up loving the Peter Pan story.. um more preferably Tinker Bell, but this was the first time to see a pretty amazing portrayal of Captain Hook. Not to mention, how amazing the OUaT people are at picking the cast. I will admit, I would have never heard of Colin O'Donoghue if it wasn't for this show. And for that, I am thankful :P. 

But before Hook came into the picture, my favorite was probably Red Riding Hood. Not Ruby, until later, but Red. She had the biggest plot twist on her, in the Enchanted Forest. Being the wolf as well as Red, that made the entire story change. Yes Hook came into the picture before "Child of the Moon" but I still really like Red. She's probably the one character who has the best story without being in love. 

I was never a fan of the Evil Queen until this show started. I wasn't a big fan of villains until this show to be honest.. XD But I would like to see how Regina changes because of Henry. 

So, I am sort of a writer.. I can be deep when I want to be, but I always like a character to be serious, but at the same time able to snap back with a witty remark. (Insert Hook here) I do have my theories, but that's for later. :P okay bye! - Robs

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hello everyone :D

So this is my new blog for all my rants, emotions, theories, and spams of my favorite OTP Captain Swan. First just to say, I have been watching Once Upon a Time ever since it first aired back in Oct. of last year. I have loved the show since, and me being a writer (ish) I enjoy seeing plot twists. They make the show more interesting, and unpredictable. 

Last week's episode "Into the Deep" kind of.. disappointed me? Maybe, sort of? I guess I'm just confused, as a lot of my shipmates are. The fact that people are thinking Killian (Hook) TOOK Aurora's heart has made me pay attention carefully to what he was saying when he had a gift for Cora. He said he brought a gift, not gotten a gift. He may have gone to Maleficent's castle and came back before waking Aurora. 

I can't say I'm horribly mad at Hook, he wasn't doing anything but being a pirate. I know, I know. Happy endings aren't easy in this show, and I don't want this one to be any different. I just really want to see what goes on in that brain of his. 

So, next episode is the Winter Finale. Oh yay o_o. Four weeks. Four weeks. Thankfully Christmas is during that time, I really can be impatient o_o. 

At least we get to see another parallel to Snowing for Captain Swan, the fight between Emma/Hook and she knocks him unconscious. I'm really scared/excited for this episode. 

- Robs